Hidden Shoal News

New Apricot Rail Single, Free Download!

Hidden Shoal Recordings is proud to announce the release of the new freely downloadable single ‘Surry Hills’ by Perth-based multi-instrumental pop sextet Apricot Rail. The single follows on from their highly praised self-titled debut album of 2009.

“Imagine the ethereal pop of early Múm, the whimsy of Sigur Rós’ more optimistic moments, and (occasionally) the emotional edge of The Twilight Sad. This is consummate indie post-rock laced with Australiana, and well worth checking out. – Rave Magazine

‘Surry Hills’ gradually blooms from a shimmering haze of harmonics and ride cymbal into a delicious interweave of resonant guitars and woodwind melodies. The song’s restraint becomes its strength as the hairs on the back of your neck slowly rise. Inhabiting a similar sonic space to Sweden’s marvellous trio Tape, ‘Surry Hills’ is destined to garner a fresh new raft of fans for Apricot Rail’s addictive brand of melodic instrumental pop.

“…what genre-defining bands like Explosions in the Sky take eight or nine minutes to do Apricot Rail are capable of in three and a half. This impeccable sense for the immediacy of great pop structures is arguably one of their biggest assets, and is displayed masterfully on their debut album.” – Drum Media CD of the Week

Formed in 2008, Apricot Rail is Ambrose Nock (guitar), Jack Quirk (guitar), Matthew Saville (drums), Daniel Burt (bass), Mayuka Juber (clarinet/flute) and Justin Manzano (guitar/electronics). In November 2008, the then-quintet headed into Kingdom studios under the guidance of Simon Struthers (Umpire, Adam Said Galore, Mukaizake) to record their self-titled debut album, released on Hidden Shoal in 2009. Since its release, the album has been wowing fans and critics alike, with feature album status galore across Australian radio, charting in US college radio (including a number 1!), and receiving glowing reviews left, right and centre.

‘Surry Hills’ is available now as a free download from the Hidden Shoal Store, along with Apricot Rail’s self-titled debut album. The single is launched on 6th August at The Bakery in Perth – check out the Facebook event page for more info. Their forthcoming sophomore album will be released in 2012. In the second half of 2011 the band are proud to announce prestigious support slots with the likes of Marnie Stern and Akron/Family. Stay tuned for more details.

Umpire "Now We're Active" US Release

Hidden Shoal Recordings is proud to announce the US/International release of debut album Now We’re Active by Perth’s widescreen indie-rock craftsmen Umpire following on from the album’s Australian release last month.

On Now We’re Active, Umpire combine sprawling indie-rock sounds with reflective melancholy, expertly wielding massive sun-drenched melodies, serpentine guitar parts and soaring vocals to spectacular effect. From lead single ‘Green Light District’ through the chiming guitar surge of ‘The Canyon’ to gorgeous finale ‘Cyclones Into Sunshowers’, Now We’re Active is a stunning release, as expansive as it is propulsive, as heartbreaking as it is life-affirming.

Immaculately produced by bassist Simon Struthers at Forensic Audio, the album’s ten tracks bring progressive rock influences, indie-pop sensibilities and shades of math-rock into explosive collision, then shape them into songs that are at once epic and intimate. After the last song fades you’re left with a lump in your throat and admiration of how Umpire’s songcraft and sonics are so consistently elegant, melodic and widescreen. Now We’re Active is much more than a collection of tracks – it’s an album that blossoms beautifully on repeat plays.

“Now We’re Active is an album which reveals a band whose imaginations are now finally within their own grasp as musicians. Alternately full on, grandiose and brilliantly inventive, Umpire have very nearly made a prog rock masterpiece, and I say nearly only because their more ambitious ideas are continuing to develop.” – DOA

“Beautiful, chiming guitar pop with layered, soaring vocals from the Perth band’s upcoming new album. Comes on like The Shins with more gumption. “Widescreen” (always a description that gets my attention), it says here, and I concur.” The Underground of Happiness on ‘Supply Chins

Now We’re Active is available now on CD and digitally worldwide, distributed through Hidden Shoal in Australia and n5mailorder in the US and internationally. Head to the Hidden Shoal Store for all availability details. Read a full press release here and be sure to check out the fantastic music video for single ‘Green Light District‘.

‘Supply Chins’ by Umpire

Umpire Love at WLUR

Umpire’s amazing debut full length Now We’re Active has started to hit US radio ahead of this week’s US/international release. The album is one of WLUR’s “Best of the Week” rotation adds!

Stream the album in full and download the first single ‘Green Light District’ for free here. US and international folk can grab the cd from n5mailorder.

Slow Dancing Society – More Radio Charting!

The recent Slow Dancing Society re-issues are continuing to chart in the US with both The Sound of Lights When Dim and The Slow and Steady Winter in this week’s top 30 at KZSU as well as holding the number 2 and 4 spot respectively in the Classical/Experimental top 10. Then over at New York’s WNYU The Sound of Lights When Dim is sitting at 22 in the top 30 chart.

And we will be announcing the release date of the upcoming Slow Dancing Society remix EP very soon. The release features a track from each of the 4 Slow Dancing Society albums remixed by the wonderful Antonymes.

Umpire "Now We're Active" Review Roundup

Umpire’s epic debut album Now We’re Active has quite appropriately been garnering some wonderful reviews and press since its Australian release a few weeks back. Check out what folks had to say at these fine blogs and zines – Delusions of Adequacy, Twiceremoved, ReviewedMusic, The Underground of Happiness, The Vine, Rave Magazine, Der Digital Flaneur and theres plenty more on the way. Not to mention the Australian radio love the album has been getting across community stations and JJJ.

The album will see its international release in just a few short weeks as July 14th approaches. Eager internationals can pre-order the CD via our US distributor n5mailorder now which includes a free mp3 download of the album. Australian fans can hit up their favourite record store for the CD or the Hidden Shoal Store for CD and digital  love.

Umpire's 'Now We're Active' at Melbourne's Indie Record Stores

Umpire’s fantastic debut album Now We’re Active is now, er, ‘active’ at three of Melbourne’s finest independent records stores: Polyester Records in Fitzroy, Missing Link in the City, and Greville Records in Prahran. So, if you like your music to come with a jewel case, a super cover to look at, plus a booklet with liner notes and full lyrics, you know where to go. Head on down, grab a copy, have a chat with the smashing staff, and support your local independent record store!

(If you like your music without a jewel case and downloadable, just head to the HSR Store.)

2010, 2011 and Beyond

As part of our 5th birthday celebrations, we’ve been looking back at the history of Hidden Shoal, casting some light on artists and releases that may have been overlooked. This week is the final post, bringing us bang up to date. For one week, a selection of releases covered below will be available from the Hidden Shoal Store with a 20% discount. Flavoursome!

Back at the start of 2010 we released volume 5 in our free download compilation album series, Crushed and Reminded, rounding up a selection of tracks from HSR releases in 2009. Over the course of 2010 and the first half of 2011, new releases by My Majestic Star, Stray Ghost, Iretsu, Rich Bennett, Slow Dancing Society, Jumpel, Hotels and Toby Richardson were joined by Hidden Shoal newcomers Boxharp (Scott Solter and Wendy Allen), Markus Mehr, Salli Lunn, Liam Singer, Antonymes and Umpire. And in May 2011, Hotels got through the final of the Billboard Battle of the Bands!

Hydrozoa, volume 6 in our free download series, has recently been released to celebrate our 5th birthday. And we’re only halfway through 2011 – the second half of the year promises new albums from Wes Willenbring, a Salli Lunn remix album, a City of Satellites remix album plus some exciting new signings. Stay tuned!

HSR062: Various artists Crushed and Reminded
HSR063: My Majestic Star I Haven’t Got It In Me
HSR064: Boxharp Loam Arcane EP
HSR065: Stray Ghost Nothing, But Death
HSR067: Boxharp The Green
HSR068: Iretsu Fang
HSR069: Markus Mehr Lava
HSR070: Salli Lunn Heresy and Rite
HSR071: Rich Bennett On Holiday
HSR072: Slow Dancing Society Under The Sodium Lights
HSR073: Liam Singer Dislocatia
HSR074: Jumpel Europa
HSR075: Toby Richardson The Stones and the Rabbits EP
HSR077: Hotels On The Casino Floor
HSR079: Various artists Hydrozoa
HSR080: Antonymes The Licence to Interpret Dreams
HSR081: Umpire Now We’re Active

Umpire on DOA and Breakthru Radio

Umpire’s superb debut album Now We’re Active has just received an excellent review on music site DOA. Visit DOA to read the review in full, or visit Umpire’s reviews archive to read an excerpt. Plus, five (count ’em) tracks from the album received airplay on BreakThru Radio this weekend. Visit BreakThru Radio to restream the show, which also features Australian artists Gotye, PVT and Midnight Juggernauts.

Now We’re Active was launched in Perth last weekend and is currently available on CD in Australia, and digitally around the world. The album receives its international CD release on 14 July.