Hidden Shoal News

Gilded Single Release – Free Download

Hidden Shoal Recordings is proud to announce the release of ‘Cluttered Room’, the new freely downloadable single by Australian experimental/ambient duo Gilded, taken from their debut album Terrane, to be released on 8 October (CD pre-orders on 25 September). Buoyant and sun-dappled, ‘Cluttered Room’ takes a handful of gleaming musical elements – ride cymbal, banjo, bass, melodica, acoustic guitar – and builds them into a wonderfully considered and thoroughly melodic structure. Akin to the most accessible tracks by acclaimed Swedish trio Tape, Gilded’s debut single is an inviting entry point into their detailed and emotionally resonant soundworld.

The title of Gilded’s debut album Terrane comes from a geological formation that has become dislocated from its original position and sutured onto a new landscape. It retains its own distinctive form and contrasts against those around it, whilst also finding a new place, a new home. The compositions that make up this record strike at the heart of how it feels to be in a period of transition, of watching a subtle change, a shift in texture. There are moments of quietude and reflection – held together by the austere and alternately punctuated by shifts toward the uplifting and revelatory. Terrane deftly operates around the intersections of melody and texture, movement and pause.

Gilded will be supporting the release of Terrane with a national tour in October:

Perth – Sunday October 7 @ the Bird w/Benoit Pioulard, Chris and Stina & Cycle~440 + Kynan Tan
Canberra – Saturday October 20 @ The Street Theatre w/Mornings
Melbourne – Sunday October 21 @ The Gasometer w/Regional Curse & Infinite Decimals
Sydney – Friday October 26 @ 107 Projects w/Seaworthy, Pimmon & Raven
Brisbane – Saturday October 27 @ Brisbane Powerhouse for Restrung: Sounds Unbound

Grab the single from the Hidden Shoal Store and read a full press release here.

Gilded – ‘Cluttered Room’

Slow Dancing Society "Laterna Magica" CD Pre-Orders

Hidden Shoal is excited to announce the availability of CD pre-orders for the new Slow Dancing Society album Laterna Magica. CD pre-orders include an immediate digital download of the album in MP3 or FLAC formats.

Slow Dancing Society’s fifth album Laterna Magica demonstrates another key progression in the Slow Dancing Society discography, which is becoming one of the essential bodies of work in contemporary ambient music. The tracks are underpinned by gorgeous guitar drift and warm synth wash, sparingly propelled by throbbing electronic undercurrents. From the soft-focus exhalation of ‘A Few Moments’, via the gleaming musical universe of recently released single ‘I’ll Leave A Light On’, through to the hypnotic pulse and drifting melancholic piano of finale ‘Tomorrow’s Another Day’, Laterna Magica is a definitive Slow Dancing Society release.

“Like the glow of sunlight filtered through the slowly undulating waves of blue crystalline water, Under The Sodium Lights is less an auditory adventure and more a rich and imaginative musical daydream.”Delusions of Adequacy on Under The Sodium Lights

“a complexity of sound that allows it to stand out from traditionally ambient music… It is easy to get dissolved in this album, to let yourself fall into meditation as the music plays… an aural delight” – The Silent Ballet on Priest Lake Circa ’88

Laterna Magica is available now for CD pre-order (inc. immediate MP3 or FLAC download). The CD comes as a beautiful 4 panel wallet with stunning artwork by Stuart Medley. Pre-order shipping and official release (inc digital)  is set for 18th September. Head to the Hidden Shoal Store for all orders, release details and a free track download.

Slow Dancing Society – ‘There’s A Place For Us’

Hidden Shoal Releases In The Charts!

Current Hidden Shoal releases are doing good things in the US college radio charts at the moment. Here’s a small taste – Elisa Luu’s Un Giorno Sospeso has entered the KDVS Top 30 at number 16, Todd Tobias’s Medicine Show is at number 8 on the CJSW Experimental Chart, Wizards of Time’s Will The Soft Curse Plague On? is number 23 on the KPSC Top 30 and is also charting over at WKNC and Markus Mehr’s On has been added to rotation at a number of stations (and getting lots of spins on Triple J’s SoundLab).

More charting news soon!

Gilded "Terrane" Album Teaser

We’re all excitedly gearing up for the upcoming release of Terrane, the new album by West Australian experimental/ambient duo Gilded. To whet your appetite before we drop the first single and announce CD pre-orders we’ve prepared an album teaser for your delectation. You can hop over to SoundCloud or YouTube and get a small taste of what is a truly beautiful album.

For the uninitiated, Gilded brings together the similar but distinct musical directions of West Australian experimental musicians Matt Rösner and Adam Trainer. The pair have released work separately on labels such as 12K, Room40, hellosQuare, New Weird Australia, and Feral Media. Terrane will be officially released on the 8th of October with CD pre-orders on the 25th of September. The first single from the album, ‘Cluttered Room’ will be available as a free download on the 31st of August. Be sure to subscribe the Hidden Shoal email list to be the first to get the single download and CD pre-order details.

Slow Dancing Society – New Album Dates and Specials

Slow Dancing Society fans should be getting very excited about now as the Washington producers fifth album, Laterna Magica, is almost upon us. We have had to slip the previously mentioned dates back a little but we promise the new dates are unwavering! The album will be available for CD pre-order on the 24th of August (all cd pre-orders come with an immediate download of the album) and the album will see its official release on the 18th of September. Our very own Dr Stuart Medley has produced some absolutely gorgeous illustrated artwork across the 4 panel cd wallet.

In the lead up to the official release date we are running specials in the Hidden Shoal Store on all previous Slow Dancing Society releases so be sure to head over and get yourself some delicious immersion.

Hidden Shoal Signs Gilded (Matt Rösner & Adam Trainer)

Hidden Shoal Recordings is proud to announce the signing of Australian experimental/ambient duo Gilded to its roster of artists. Gilded operates around the intersections of melody and texture, movement and pause. The project brings together the similar but distinct musical directions of West Australian experimental musicians Matt Rösner and Adam Trainer, forging a new approach to composition and sound creation that is based as much around rhythm and repetition as it is around drone and abstraction.

The title of Gilded’s debut album Terrane comes from a geological formation that has become dislocated from its original position and sutured onto a new landscape. It retains its own distinctive form and contrasts against those around it, whilst also finding a new place, a new home. The album was conceived during two consecutive autumns in Western Australia. The compositions that make up this record strike at the heart of how it feels to be in a period of transition, of watching a subtle change, a shift in texture. There are moments of quietude and reflection – held together by the austere and alternately punctuated by shifts toward the uplifting and revelatory. One thing is certain: change is inevitable. We leave traces and will not return.

“Australian sound artist Matt Rösner has generated music with a language all its own” – The Weekend Australian on Matt Rösner’s Alluvial

“the interplay of experimentation shades the corners of Trainer’s world” – Cyclic Defrost on Adam Trainer’s Twice Worn

Matt Rösner is arguably one of Western Australia’s most renowned experimental musicians. Based in Myalup in the South West, Matt has released music on labels as diverse as Room40, 12K, Apestaartje, Meupe and Miatera, with a musical focus on guitar and field recordings. Adam Trainer was a founding member of Perth post-rock outfit Radarmaker, and has also played in experimental projects such as Polaroid Ghost and the Ghost of 29 Megacycles. In solo guise he has released music on labels such as hellosQuare, New Weird Australia, Phantom Channel and Feral Media. Adam’s solo work has sought to locate textural nuance alongside dislocated melody.

Terrane is released by Hidden Shoal on 8 October, preceded by single ‘Cluttered Room’ on 31 August. Read a full press release here.