Tangled Star‘s Craig Hallsworth has just revealed some exciting news about the band’s next step following their glorious release It’s Now or Later:
“Tangled Star are currently working on new material for an EP / mini album to be recorded in the spring of 2007. This involves the usual set-up of myself on guitar and vocals, James Butterworth on bass, vocals and some drum machine programming, and Lorne Clements playing various keyboards, as well as (for the first time in T-Star) an actual drum kit. At this stage, we are looking at six new songs – ‘tosleepingpeople’, ‘The Skaters’, ‘Sentimental Warrior’, ‘Turn Me’, ‘Sunny Day Losers #12 & 35’, ‘The Waiter Is Deceased’ – no doubt our most focused, immediate and accessible work to date…”
Read more from Craig on their MySpace blog, and stay tuned for more details about this new release in the coming months.