Markus Mehr‘s latest album In, the first of a triptych, has been receiving glowing reviews left, right and centre. To keep track of the lovin’, pop along to Markus’s reviews section, or visit any of the following wonderful music review sites to find out why everyone’s been getting juiced up: Luna Kafe, Ambient Blog, A Closer Listen, Igloo magazine, Absolute Punk, The Silent Ballet, Reviewed Music, Petal, Textura, and Leonard’s Lair. Wowser!

Visit Soundcloud to hear excerpts from In‘s two epic tracks, ‘Komo’ and ‘Ostinato’:

And, of course, visit the Hidden Shoal Store to purchase the album in CD and digital formats. Part two of the triptych, On, will be released on 21 June, with the final part, Off, coming in January 2013.