Markus Mehr’s latest opus On has just received a wonderful review in the latest Textura. This comes ahead of the release of a new single and music video from the album this week. More on that very soon.

“Some moments of remarkable beauty occur, most memorably during the orchestrally rich settings “Only For A While” and “Tunnels,” while the cut-up collage-styled character of the recording is most blatantly displayed during the brief rhythmic stutters of “Olympia.”… Having eight separate pieces at his disposal affords Mehr the latitude to easily and abruptly shift gears in both style and mood, and consequently the samples-heavy On covers a wide range of experimental ground in its heady forty-five minutes. It’ll be interesting to hear how Off picks up where On leaves off.”Textura

Head over to the Hidden Shoal Store to stream the album in full and listen to more Mehr!