Markus Mehr - Hidden Shoal Recordings is excited to announce the release of the new freely downloadable album Live in Bari by German experimental ambient artist Markus Mehr. Live in Bari is a triumphant rendition of Mehr’s critically acclaimed album Off, performed live with video artist Stefanie Sixt. The 45-minute piece immerses the listener in a dizzyingly beautiful yet often punishing soundworld that’s ever-shifting. Certain passages allude to other sequences and samples from Mehr’s preceding albums, linking them into a kaleidoscopic mobius strip.

“They’re ‘big’ compositions, the sheer scale of the sonic work is rather awe inspiring, but they never sound antagonistic or uncomfortable… it sounds like the ebb and flow of space itself – individual snippets of a grand, repeating, organic process that keeps the universe in balance…”No Ripcord

Live in Bari was recorded at Timezones festival in Bari, Italy in November 2012. The four-day festival involved collaboration between Markus Mehr, Alessandra Celletti, Andrea Mangia, Massimo Carrieri, Salah addin Roberto Re David, James Brooks and Charles Hayward in the rehearsal and performance of John Cage’s ‘Musicircus’. Off was performed live at the Doppelgaenger Gallery to a rapturous reception.

You can download the album for free in MP3 and FLAC formats from the Hidden Shoal Store and Bandcamp and also stream the album in full over at SoundCloud.