[Translated via Google. Read the original here.]
“Erik Nilsson creates a highly composited acoustic-ambient work and different than many other artists working on an assembly of electronic modulations to a single predominant instrument.
The Swedish artist instead builds a veritable universe of tonal guitar, acoustic and occasional rhythmic piano notes, subject to filtering more or less deep. In his second solo album, “Hearing Things”, this process is successful in compositions by outstanding features cinematic-descriptive that, in the course of the eight tracks on the album, open up a wide range of sensations.
The experience of the composer of music for films and documentaries Nilsson is felt most sharply in the next few steps to neoclassical minimalism (especially in the ethereal “Mood Swings” and the concluding “Drawing / Dreaming”), but also in the enveloping layers of hot elongations of guitar notes ( “Ex Nihilo”). Next to that of romantic decompression, the Nilsson personality it also shows a more dynamic, condensed into modulated crescendo orchestral post-rock ( “On And Onward”) and in a dense mass of saturations ( “In One-Fifth Of A Second “) and synthetic tremors at times also very pronounced (” Moksha Can Wait “).
Also in this capacity, different from the more placid but with it perfectly complementary, the Swedish artist’s compositions retain a significant emotional content, showing his unorthodox approach to a sound material in search of a meeting point between the acoustic and the classicism ‘more explicit electronics.”