[Translated from the original French via Google Translate]

Structure why we always scrutinized with interest publications, Hidden Shoal Recordings is attentive to his local scene (Australian, so) as foreign, able productions in particular identify on netlabels artists who have not yet released physical disks. Thus Elisa Luu could, for example, about his first releases on CD, and so after a first digital album (hosted at Luxus-Arctica Records), Erik Nilsson sees his second effort published on the label of Perth, but only in digital (the structure having apparently given up physical format).

Totally unknown to us, the Swede moved in early disk, an electronic form rather ambient in which the melodies unfold gradually, as if they were slow to get out of sleep (both in terms of tempo of their range). As the ensemble invigorates, real instruments are emerging (guitar, piano, vibraphone), the point of emotion and ambition is emerging, to be a great success; placed third, On And Onward and cleverly crosses électronisé inclinations from a post-rock and racing character of a piano removed.

If the rest of Hearing Thing can not be repeated this performance, the album still manages to be varied enough to interest throughout his forty-four minutes. The Nilsson ability to combine neo-classical approach, loose guitar and most disturbing fact screeching and distance, Wind And Heat a room entirely relevant, as the integration of saturation on the last third of In One-Fifth Of A Second dimension or more languid guitar phrasings of Drawing / Dreaming. In total, therefore we retain this remarkable heterogeneity, emphasizing the emotional aspects of this beautiful and inspiring discovery.
