Taken from the album Nights Bright Days, re-released through Hidden Shoal on 4 November 2014. Although often compared to singular artists such as Nina Simone, Beth Gibbons and Elizabeth Fraser, Chloë March follows her own unique path, writing, engineering and...
Taken from the debut self-titled EP from Perth based artist Makee (Nov 19, 2014). The fog-laden disco of ‘Bail’ is shot through with a beatific vibe and is the perfect introduction to Makee’s sonic world. Makee’s bright-eyed, beat-driven tracks, as danceable as...
The stunning experimental video work by Stefanie Sixt for the Markus Mehr track ‘Gymnasium/Swarms’ taken from his forthcoming album “Binary Rooms” (Oct 15th 2014 through Hidden...
Tin Manzano’s re-working of the title track from City Of Satellites’ debut album Machine Is My Animal weaves and loops the original’s guitar hook amid electronic beats and surging, breathy textures. The result is a gorgeously seductive instrumental,...
Another wild and wonderful cut from from “I Razor”, the no-budget experimental feature film directed by Todd Tobias. The soundtrack comprises work by Todd Tobias and Circus Devils featuring vocals from Robert Pollard (Guided by Voices) as well as...
Much like Lava’s first single ‘Hubble’ evoked the ink-black expanses of outer space, second single ‘Cousteau’ casts its searchlight beneath the ocean. The track’s slow, majestic burn is a thing to behold, and further proof of...