Kramies "Wooden Heart" EP Reviewed in PopNews

[Translated poorly from the French with the help of Google. Read the original French version here.] “Dutch-American songwriter based in Denver, Colorado, Kramies Windt was far away one of the best kept secrets of American indie-pop. We’re willing to bet...

'The Wooden Heart' (Single) Reviewed at Misfit City

“While Knifeworld fret about doom and ward it off with their showbiz, Kramies gets by on faith. Not for him Knifeworld’s tussle of John Barry and John Adams, nor their trick-cycling. With Todd Tobias keeping a gentle producer’s eye on things, ‘The Wooden Heart’...

Kramies "The European" – 402 Productions

“Kramies is a Colorado-based artist who has been releasing music under the supervision of Todd Tobias, the famed producer and collaborator of Guided By Voices and other Robert Pollard endeavors. The music of Kramies is quite a far cry from anything in the...