Hidden Shoal Turns Six!

Throughout the month of May 2012, Hidden Shoal Recordings is celebrating its sixth birthday. Later in the month will be the release of the latest free sampler album, Triangulating Nature, which compiles 12 singles released over the last 12 months. Other delicious...

Massive Batch of Markus Mehr Reviews

Markus Mehr’s latest album In, the first of a triptych, has been receiving glowing reviews left, right and centre. To keep track of the lovin’, pop along to Markus’s reviews section, or visit any of the following wonderful music review sites to find...

Markus Mehr "In" Released

Hidden Shoal Recordings is proud to announce the release of new album In by German experimental ambient artist Markus Mehr, the first of a triptych that also includes the forthcoming releases On and Off, all released over the next 12 months. Markus Mehr follows up his...