Hidden Shoal Recordings today announced the pre-release of the Autumn Magnets EP by Melbourne ambient rock outfit Bury the Sound.

With the opening strains of ‘What Would One Become’ the Autumn Magnets EP opens the door to an emotionally charged landscape masterfully terra formed by the Melbourne based instrumental four piece. Lush, sweeping guitars weave themselves into a rising insistency as they interplay with drifting piano, driving basslines and powerhouse drumming. Bury the Sound’s elegant, cinematic songs continually transform themselves and develop an all too rare sense of flux and movement. – Press Release Excerpt.

Autumn Magnets is now available as a specially priced pre-release exclusively from the HSR Store. The EP will see official release on July the 3rd where it will be available from all good digital music stores such as Itunes, eMusic, Sony Connect and Rhapsody.

Bury the Sound – What Would One Become Bury the Sound – What Would One Become