Hidden Shoal Recordings today announced the release of the new single ‘Crampling’ by Perth-based post-shoegaze outfit My Majestic Star.

‘Crampling’ is a prime example of My Majestic Star’s ability to merge weightless daydream pop with droning shoegaze. The track’s melodies swim in uppers and downers, all the while building and brooding. For the first time the track also features the stunning vocals of the band’s cellist, Miriam Braun, alongside Chris Mason’s distinctively dreamy tones. The single is a wonderful taster for the forthcoming third My Majestic Star album I Haven’t Got It In Me.

‘Crampling’ is available now for free download from the Hidden Shoal Store until the release of I Haven’t Got It In Me on November 27th, 2009. The single will be launched at the Velvet Lounge in Perth, Western Australia on the 18th of September, with support from Turn, Craig McElhinney and Target Archery (Ambrose and Mayuka from Apricot Rail).

Read a  full press release here.

My Majestic Star – Crampling  My Majestic Star – Crampling