“American Singer-songwriter Joe Sampson is proud to announce the release of his new EP, Songs of Delay, via Hidden Shoal Records on September 12th and featuring latest single “My Love.”  This tune combines minimal musicality with maximum emotional resonance.  All we hear is a guitar, bass and Sampson’s double traced vocals and it’s doesn’t seem to matter that the song isn’t backed by a full band because the songwriter’s lyrics fill the spaces in between.

This track encourages a connected and personally emotional reaction to the soft spoken voice that sounds like it’s teetering on the threshold of a whisper. Sampson’s deep baritone produces this threadbare, grumbling tone perfect for having quiet, concise conversations.  His voice is heavy and the words he speaks carry even more weight. They are subtle and ambiguous, perhaps in contempt for an ex lover or a cathartic expression of frustration. There is a mystery behind his words but what remains clear is “My Love” is a tune for quiet contemplation listening to a comfortably sad voice sing about what is in his heart so that we can consider what is in our own, albeit for less than two minutes.”
